The table on the right is a monthly calender with links to daily movies.
The top number is the day and the lower number is the number of CMEs that
were detected on that day.
The table below gives the basic attributes of a CME. A Text version of the measurements
can be found in links under the Start Time and Javascript movies can be found in the third
(*)An asterisk denotes days in which only quicklook data is available
Previous Month Next Month |
Event of width greater than 120 degrees Event of width between 60 and 120 degrees Event of width less than 60 degrees
read me All data in txt format # of Detections per day in txt format # of Images per day in txt format
Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT gmu.edu); Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT gmu.edu);
Last updated: